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The SEE, SALT and SOUND Festival 2008 is now over.

To the right are some of the events that were performed during this time. Below is a link to the festival brochure

Festival 2008 Schedule of Events


Ticketed Events
Orchestra of the North
Lisa Milne - On the High C's
Blue-Themed Tea Dance
Cold Today!
Amang the Craws
Rush Hour Concerts (5 listed, 1 tbc)
Music Workshops (3 listed)
An Evening of Poetry (Blue Salt Collective and Guests)
Sea Stories & Salty Tales - Fiona-Jane Brown (GAS)
Festival Ceilidh - (SC&T)
Artists Workshops (3 listed)

FREE - Talks and Stories
What does a marine scientist do? - John Dunn (FRS)
Local loon made good, a man for all seasons - John Dunn (FRS)
Marine science inventions - John Dunn (FRS)
Heroes and Villains of the Sea- Anna Fancett (GAS)

FREE - Events and Displays
Canoe Flottilla
The Song of DNA
Whale & Dolphin Sand Sculpting and Cantata
Poem in the Sand Competition

Blue Tea Dance - September 2008

Silversea Design